Superintendent’s Report to the School Committee
March 27, 2019
Director of Teaching & Learning
- Position posted January 3, 2019
- Posting closed this January 24th
- A total of 39 applicants
- Interview Committee: Julie DiLillo (HR Director), Lytania Mackey (Director of Digital Learning), Martha Raymond (Director of Student Services)
- Approximately, 10 candidates - phone screenings still happening
- First Round of Interviews: February 28th & March 4th
- 11 candidates were interviewed in Round 1
- Of those 11 candidates, 4 were moved on to Round 2
- Interview Committee for Round 2: Lytania Mackey (Director of Digital Learning), Dennis Kohut (Future High School Principal), Jason Calichman (Middle School Principal), Debi Ardon (Teacher, Literacy, Content Lead), Catie Porter (Teacher/STEM & SMS Content leader - Clarke/SMS/PD), Susan Sheehan (Grade 1 Teacher/Content Lead)
- Interviews took place on March 22nd
- Final candidates will be moved forward to final interviews with me
High School Assistant Principal
- Current interview committee consists of 2 students, 2 parents, 4 teachers (1 union rep, 1 content leader, 1 regular ed teacher, and 1 special ed teacher), METCO Director, Dean of Students
- 51 applicants - Human Resources conducting phone screening interviews
- Will be approximately 10 candidates forward to the committee
- Timeline: March 27, 2019 - Organizational meeting for the committee
- April 1, 3, & 5 - Round 1 interviews
- Week of April 8 - 12 - Final interviews with Mr. Murphy and Mr. Kohut
Annual Report
- We are required by the By-Laws to send an Annual Report to the Town
- Sharing 2017-2018 report with you
School & Classroom Visits
Middle School
- Scavenger Hunt with Ms. Moltz in library class
- Online catalog search with students in teams
- Reinforcement of genres while also exploring their locations in the MS library
- Read Across America Day
- Grade 2, Mrs. Bruhm
- Mrs. Moore’s 5th Grade Science Class (80) - research project presentations
- A person or organization that is having a positive impact on the environment
- Students went above and beyond - slideshows, wrote to companies
High School Weather Station Named for Joe Tribendis
- The Joe Tribendis Weather and Climate Center features a weather station on the roof of SHS that serves as a valuable resource for not only students but also the community at large. The weather station will collect data in real time, providing a database and forecasting function that can be used by students in weather and climate class, or even the athletic director in trying to determine whether an outdoor contest should be postponed.
- The platform that will be used is WeatherSTEM, which will also give teachers the tools to incorporate weather data into lesson plans and align them with relevant educational standards, including Common Core.